Threat intelligence

Improve your threat intelligence capabilities

Cyber Threat Intelligence Services design and build cyber threat intelligence (CTI) processes and solutions within your security operations to optimize your ability to consume, analyze and apply threat intelligence to protect the business. Our services focus on strategic planning, threat communications, technical solutions and workforce expertise required to implement an intelligence-driven cyber security program.

CGRC has Professional experience at the forefront of cyber security and cyber threat intelligence (CTI). This has enabled us to build unparalleled intelligence operations collecting, analyzing and disseminating threat intelligence to our customers, as well as helping organizations develop their own intelligence-led security operations. Based on expertise, CGRC has developed the Cyber Threat Intelligence Services to help organizations build, mature and sustain intelligence-led security operations customized to their unique needs.

Whether combined or delivered separately, cyber threat intelligence services support the development and maintenance of a comprehensive threat intelligence program.

Threat Intelligence Foundations (TIF)
Establish the basic building blocks for developing threat intelligence capabilities. Identify relevant threats, the stakeholders who require visibility and the pragmatic practices for effective delivery and consumption.

Cyber Threat Diagnostic (CTD)
Build a baseline threat profile that includes the motives, intentions and capabilities of threat actors targeting your business. Each custom profile is built by analyzing threat activity on your network logs as well as observations from the global digital underground.

Intelligence Capability Assessment (ICA)
Evaluate the effectiveness of your current threat intelligence capabilities and the integrated throughput of intel across multiple I.T.-related domains and disciplines.

Intelligence Capability Uplift (ICU)
Develop a world-class threat intelligence program that includes scalable, repeatable processes for the collection, analysis and dissemination of intelligence throughout the organization.

Analytic Tradecraft Workshop (ATW)
Host a one-day team workshop to enhance the analytical skillsets necessary to support your organization’s threat intelligence capabilities in-house.

Hunt Mission Training (HMT)
Host a tactically-focused workshop to guide staff in the intelligence-driven approach to proactively identifying active or nascent threats. The workshop is tailored for SOC, IR and tactical intelligence analysts responsible for advanced threat detection activities.