Risk Management

One of the critical areas that any organisation faces today is risk management. Following the passage of SOX and its corporate governance and accountability provisions, developing better risk management techniques is becoming more important to help meet higher management expectations.

Risks are an inherent part of doing business. They are a natural part of the business process and cannot be completely eliminated. The relationship between risk and rewards seeks a natural balance in the business world. Higher risks means higher rewards but also imply higher chances at losses.

The best way to maximise the returns of the business is to effectively manage the risks to the business. What may be risky to others could be low risk to your target organisation because of inside knowledge, trade secrets, unique expertise, and many other factors that move the balance of risk in the favour of that organisation. Simply, risk is anything that can come between you and your business goals. Where people or technology interact with your organisation, you’ll find risk. There is the need to see the big picture in a positive way.

Managing risk means reducing the loss potential to acceptable levels, survivable levels, and ones where the losses can be absorbed without major adjustments to the business’s strategy or mission. The business that manages risk effectively will be the most profitable. They will experience the fewest losses because their exposure to risk is lower and their risks are better managed than the competition.

Companies are recognising the value in assessing, prioritising and quantifying the risk that they face with the ultimate goal of choosing the most effective mitigation options available to them.

Enterprise Risk Management is the process of identifying vulnerabilities and threats to the information resources used by an organisation in achieving business objectives, and of deciding what countermeasures, if any, to take in reducing risk to an acceptable level based on the value of the information resources to the organisation.

Our team can give you assurance over the risks you face. We help you improve the control environment and the security of your information systems. Building robust defences against the ever-increasing array of external and internal threats is just one of the very many ways we can help in this regard.

We can help to develop, test, review and update your plans. We will be providing strategic advice to our clients on all aspects of risk management, but focusing particularly on helping organisations to move from compliance to business performance using their risk management programmes.

Our risk management team will work with you to develop practical and sustainable solutions tailored precisely to your own needs and circumstances. We cultivate a working style that is accessible, practical and user-friendly. We believe true success is achieved only when IT is effectively aligned with the business.

‘Information is the key to success in today’s ecomony.’