Cyber Resilience

Cyber threats are varied and are now able to affect any organization, in any sector at any time. Having effective cyber resilience and being prepared for a cyber incident places you in a stronger position to survive it.

CGRC’s cyber resilience service is a structured response to a disruptive or catastrophic event. Being prepared for a disaster means your business is far more likely to survive, and reduce the impact of an event

How can we help?

CGRC’s Professional services provide services that help organizations identify and manage cyber disruption events and reduce their vulnerability to a wide range of potentially devastating events. These cyber resilience services cover the broad spectrum of the continuity/contingency planning discipline. The overriding goal is to help an organization resume critical operations within an acceptable time frame following an interruption.

Below is a list of the Cyber resilience services that we offer:

  • development and/or assessment of Business Continuity Management program (policies, procedures, maintenance programs),
  • business impact analysis,
  • cyber threat and vulnerabilities assessments,
  • business continuity planning,
  • facilities and departmental plan assessments,
  • third party service provider assessments and cyber resilience compliance reviews,
  • disaster recovery planning documentation assistance and evaluations,
  • test exercising assistance,
  • crisis management plan development,
  • emergency management plan development,
  • employee notification protocol implementation assistance and assessments,
  • incident reporting including command and control protocols, and
    development and/or assessment of senior executive and program monitoring activities